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It's been a long time since my last blog... but I'm back and I've got a bloggie entry for ya.
Over the past couple of months, a group of friends have been working tirelessly almost every night to get a new apparel website online. "Bok Choy Apparel" BokChoyApparel was "created as an outlet for the growing 'Asian Artist' as well as providing support for various non-profit groups, BCA was from the beginning about what we care most about: our community.
The way that BCA is set up, the designs are put online and then they are voted on by the community (i.e. YOU) to be turned into actual shirts - very similar to how Threadless.com and Designbyhumans.com operate. So... um... wanna vote for my designs? Pretty please? :-D Just enter your email under the design that you like [P.S. You won't be spammed. All you'll ever receive is a simple notification that the shirt you voted for went into production and is now available for purchase.Just in case you guys were wondering.]

A very illustrative take on the Filipino Sun
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Because girl-on-girl is hot... and hopefully my design for lesbian love makes it hotter.
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Gay and proud...
[stop staring at the model! it's the shirt I'm trying to showcase here! Sheesh!]
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Heterosexuality's gotta look cool too. :-)
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]
Hope you like these, you guys. If you don't please feel free to leave comments with constructive criticism. :-)
Over the past couple of months, a group of friends have been working tirelessly almost every night to get a new apparel website online. "Bok Choy Apparel" BokChoyApparel was "created as an outlet for the growing 'Asian Artist' as well as providing support for various non-profit groups, BCA was from the beginning about what we care most about: our community.
We envisioned doing this by making people look good. Everybody loves a t-shirt and they love it even more when the shirt fits both body and personality. To this end we print only on 100% cotton American Apparel shirts, for the softest feel possible. We are also constantly on the look out for artists whose work appeals both aesthetically and socially to us and our causes. Artists are passionate about their work, community organizers are passionate about their causes; we are passionate about providing a medium to unite these forces, and make some great clothes along the way!" [About BCA]
As a member of their creative team, I submitted a few designs that could be turned into screen-tee's - provided that the designs generate a decent amount of votes. [Please vote - teehee]The way that BCA is set up, the designs are put online and then they are voted on by the community (i.e. YOU) to be turned into actual shirts - very similar to how Threadless.com and Designbyhumans.com operate. So... um... wanna vote for my designs? Pretty please? :-D Just enter your email under the design that you like [P.S. You won't be spammed. All you'll ever receive is a simple notification that the shirt you voted for went into production and is now available for purchase.Just in case you guys were wondering.]

A very illustrative take on the Filipino Sun
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Because girl-on-girl is hot... and hopefully my design for lesbian love makes it hotter.
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Gay and proud...
[stop staring at the model! it's the shirt I'm trying to showcase here! Sheesh!]
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]

Heterosexuality's gotta look cool too. :-)
[to vote, click and then enter email addy]
Hope you like these, you guys. If you don't please feel free to leave comments with constructive criticism. :-)
P.S. To my fellow Shrunkenhead... find the skull of the Shrunkenheadman. :-)
h3y there Jon, i saw ur work via the bok choy apparel website--I'm also an artist, so it was nice to checkout the vibe at bok choy, not just the creative style but the social-justice/responsible donations-work, etc, but also v3ry cool to see your work on ur cheeziepoof site + ur blogger page(s)..
Also just had to say hello as i was yet another artist who was overworked via clockin' for those Bay Area videogame & graphic/animation studios.
Your work is strong enough to certainly get ya into entertainment gigs out there;
i saw on ur resume that u'd started doing some internship work at EA while in school: very good thing to do.
I'd be glad to answer any questions u'd have re: 3d/modeling/graphics work, but the main
thing i'd suggest is to read/join the forums on a few of the top graphics-industry websites,
e.g. cgsociety(.)org, cinefex[.]com, vfxworld[.]com & of course, ye ole heroic-artists central mega-site, AWN(.)com;-)...
w3LL, sorry for
the boring tech-talk, it's my usual OCD sorta..
anyway, i've gotta get back to work here in chilly NY--I got tired of the graphics/anim career & moved over to frigid Rochester to get an MFA-- so as to return to my roots in fine art, etc..
RIT is a pretty nice geeky place, & the digital & traditional creativity here is darn good..
I just wish i'd chosen to
go to graduate school when i was much younger;-p...p3ace, Rob (delmar)
Hey Rob/Delmar,
Thanks for the kudos and all the advice. :o) Right now freelance is all I've got goin for me as I'm trying to break into another videogame house or a studio... but so far, the rejections have been pretty disheartening. But, that hasn't stopped me from trying to improve.
Thanks again, Rob.
h3y Jon, here's some sad sighhhburr-news so to speak, i'd suggest passing it to tech/g33k pals : after reading it i'd also suggest a 6 pack or a
Stim pack]
...whew, and i tend to think of Europe/France as lots more open/freestyle than our post-Bu$hCh@in-duh-Merica... oi..
r0b =][=
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